My Spring Break

Today me and my brothers made a fort and stayed there for about two or three hours. To make it we used two blankets, three towels, seven pillows, Three lights, Two crates. It was really crowed in there because it was in between two beds in my brothers room and it was dark to. The first week of spring break me and my brothers went ice skating at North Olmsted rex center ice skating park or I thing that was even the name of the place but I know it was a rex center because I remembered and we stayed there for two hours because it was  8 o’clock to 10’clock. The last thing we did was watch lots of movies one was the movie Home in the theaters  after that we had to clean under our beds because that was where we would throw out or trash when we were lazy and didn’t want to get up and throw it in the actual trash. That was all my spring break.

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